Shine bright and live true!

I am always moved to awe when my words resonate so strongly with someone they tell me they’ve printed them out and will carry them in their wallet as a reminder.

Sometime ago, at a seminar, a woman told me she’d been carrying a post with her for a couple of years that I’d written on my Recover Your Joy blog (When Good-bye is Never Spoken). My heart leaped for joy because in her words I know I have touched a life, opened a heart, connected in a way that makes a difference.

And what more could I want then to know that my words here resonate?

It’s why I write here every day (except weekends now as I’ve given myself permission to relax on weekends!). I write here to inspire dreams, ignite thinking and open up minds to all that is possible when we let go of fear, limiting beliefs and self-denial. I write here to clear my mind, open my heart and set my day off in notes of optimism, hope, possibility and Love so that I remember always it is my responsibility to Shine bright and Live true! 

And when we all Shine bright and Live true! we create a world of brightness, a world of truth, a world of joy.

Like writing a love poem to C.C. for a year and discovering that Love is not about getting from another, it begins with me, writing here every morning reminds me that giving is receiving. It’s about the conscious intention to put into the world thoughts and words that inspire and create more of what I want in the world — love, joy, possibility, hope, harmony, acceptance, tolerance and awareness. I want to open people’s eyes to the beauty of our human condition and our capacity to live wildly in love with the rapture of now, sharing the best of who we are as we create from our higher good.

Writing here opens my day up to wonder and awe. It frees possibility within me. It inspires my thinking, and reminds me, every day, that we are connected. We are the same kind of difference that makes each of us different and unique. And in our differences, and our sameness, we share the beauty of this human condition called life on earth with all its challenges, opportunities, ups and downs and possibilities for more.

That’s what I set out to do every morning when I sit down to write. Inspire. Ignite. Activate.Connect.

And yesterday, when someone told me they had printed out my post to carry with them, my heart leapt for joy. I felt blessed. To know I have touched someone’s heart in such a way is a gift. It is humbling. It is uplifting. It is affirming.

I am truly blessed. I am grateful.

Every day people comment and I am given the gift of knowing I am connected to them in ways beyond just a mere, Hello. I am connected in ways that say our hearts resonate like a harp striking a note of harmony rippling from one string to another.

Your words feed my heart. They fill me up with joy, awe, wonder and Love. They enrich my life, my being here, my essence. And you remind me, everyone of you who takes the time to Like, to comment, to send an email, here and on FB, that we are all connected. We are all part of one big planet where it is possible to create a world of Love, peace, harmony and joy — by listening to one another and acting out in Love.

So thank you everyone. Thank you for being with me every morning (or whenever you read). For opening me up to the more of what I want to create in the world. For reminding me of our connection. For being the wind beneath my wings and the possible in my daily world.

Thank you from my heart to yours, in Love!


17 thoughts on “Shine bright and live true!

  1. LG,

    you are indeed getting an early start today!

    two things ..

    first, I know that feeling – that something your write has someone ‘clip it’ and keep it around; strangely I seem to enjoy it most when someone writes me from Cape Town or Jakarta to tell me my column is posted to their cork-board by the fridge touches me more than I can measure ..

    second …. one of my ex-wives taught me an important lesson. Love is a verb. It is an action word. Giving and getting it is great, as is just giving it. More than that, ‘being it’ seems to be more important …. and being is also a verb

    so .. keep up with your verb-age and early rising and daily writing




  2. Some days you just hit that place in our hearts that starts the healing process moving in ways way beyond therapy! lol. Wow! what affirmation to know that someone has actually printed something and carries it with them. Now that is worth getting up in the morning for! 😉 But I think about your posts through out the day! Does that count? ;D


  3. Louise,

    Your words are my favorite part of my morning quiet time.
    I can’t wait to meet you and give you a big blue/orange hug. I am thankful for the gift of you! Who you are makes a difference in my life.


  4. This is such a positive, wonderful post. Fancy someone printing your post & keeping it with them – that is a true compliment. You are a powerful voice, I see. Wonderful.


  5. Well now there are two of us (who have printed this out).
    “In time, one day not yet here, we will lift our heads and see, the sun is shining. Into it’s beckoning warmth we will step into the light of finally knowing, the only way to say good- bye to what can never be, is to accept it never was.”

    This has helped me a lot today.
    Thank you.


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