There’s only one way up from the bottom!

how do I copyPerhaps it’s happened. I have reached the nadir of my blogging journey. The ideas have faded. The thoughts vanished. The words evaporated. Maybe I am in a writer’s block? That place where words clump together and an inspiring thought cannot be found?

There’s only one thing to do. ‘Cause, if I’m in the pit, there’s only one way out and that’s UP!

These thoughts lazily drifted through my mind this morning as my fingers touched the keyboard and my eyes looked at the tiny cursor blinking on my screen.

Fill me in, it seemed to be calling. And my mind responded, “With what?”

It doesn’t happen often — that I sit down at my computer in the morning and find myself bereft of a theme, of an idea, or a thought to wrap words around and let the muse have her way with their formation.

Usually, the theme rises out of something that transpired over the previous day, or a fragment of a dream catches my awakening attention, or a lyric of a song sticks with me begging me to noodle away at wondering what it means, or, while reading something sticks and my yellow highlight pen gets even busier as I circle and frame and really, really draw my attention to a particular idea.

And then, as I write that, I remember so many ideas that captured my attention over the weekend.

I’m not sure if it was a song lyric, a piece of a news article or just my mind’s habitual wondering but at one point, I started writing in my journal about the times I’ve left places, people, situations, and how, in the moment of leaving I was really more afraid than feeling brave. I couldn’t see into the future. I knew the present wasn’t working and I knew change was necessary. But… to get to change I had to go through the pain of leaving ‘the now’. And I was scared. Yet, if I could know then what I know now, I might not have given so much energy to clinging to the now of what was, because no matter how hard it was to leave, my life today is a reflection of going through that change. And I love my life today…

“I remember when I left…”

I was also inspired by Ian Munroe over at Leading Essentially who wrote about teams and leadership. Ian just graduated from the Hudson Institute where he took his Coaching Certification and wrote an inspiring recap of what made the course and experience so brilliant.

“What makes a leader?”

Of course, Leigh at Not Just Sassy on the Inside always inspires my thinking and gets the muse fired up, especially with her two-part series on Managing Manna. I love reading Leigh’s posts because she always inspires thinking that begins with “I wonder?”…

“I wonder if I am balanced in my energy? What if I focus my attention on ‘the ask’ of the outpouring of my energy? What if, I get really, really conscious of the ebb and flow of my creative expressions to the point where what I am opening up to in the universe is a reflection of my capacity to receive?”

Val Boyko at Find Your Middle Ground inspired my thinking over the weekend too. She wrote about finding inner piece by moving away from struggle and resistance through what Tara Brach in her article at one of my favourite websites, Spirituality and Practice calls, The Sacred Pause. Val’s words gave rise to the question…

“In this moment right now, what am I feeling?”

There were others. A song on the radio. In particular, Bastille’s Pompeii with the refrain,

“But if you close your eyes,
Does it almost feel like
Nothing changed at all?”

“How often do I just close my eyes and pretend everything stays the same?”

A road-sign warning of construction ahead that had traffic slowed to a crawl, yet, at the point where all the orange pylon’s directed two traffic lanes into one, there is not a construction vehicle, a worker, nothing to suggest that construction is taking place. Really?

“Why does a five minute slow down in traffic feel like FOREVER? Seriously? Have you ever been caught at a red light forrrr eveeer?”  I didn’t think so.

So many ideas floating around in my mind. So many opportunities to explore and adventure into.

Why did I begin fearing what might not appear when I know if I simply trust in the process and let go of fear, all will be well?

Why is it that even when I know that grace is always present, I still cling to the belief she’s abandoned me?

Which reminds me of my daughter, Alexis, who has started writing again at her blog How I Survived Myself (YEAH!) In her new post titled, Be Love, she writes about reassuring a man on the elevator that he wasn’t stupid, as he claimed, just because he took the down elevator when he needed to go up. “How often do we say things about ourselves that rob us of our happiness, destroy our intimacy and connection with others, and steal the possibility of self-acceptance?”, Alexis writes. Which begs the question…

“How do I love me?”

And now that I’ve put all this wonderment together, I have lots of ideas to carry me up out of the pit of believing there’s nothing left to explore.

Isn’t life amazing?

I love it!


And… for your entertainment!



10 thoughts on “There’s only one way up from the bottom!

  1. Louise,

    I understand your challenge – I don’t find that happens much anymore, but I’ve been there, done that and have some thoughts.

    Nothing wrong with your content this morning, except it seems like a Seinfeld episode … not really about anything.

    Here’s an idea. If you can write a page, write a paragraph.

    If you can’t write a paragraph, write a great sentence.

    If there is no sentence to be served, a word.

    Imagine the trigger you would give your readers – as if there was a door, ajar .. when suddenly ..


    Now, write about that.



    * not my original thought …. but borrowed from a Roger Rosenblatt video about his writing classes


  2. Thanks for the referral Louise! I marvel at your ability to write something meaningful every day. If you were to count the days you have written and compare that to the number of times you have had a block … I would think you would call yourself remarkably successful!!


  3. “..if I could know then what I know now, I might not have given so much energy to clinging to the now of what was..”

    Oh, how we learn from our past. There are so many things I no longer fear because I am conscious of how fear affected my health…but then again…that was just the kick in the butt I needed!


  4. I think you do an amazing job writing every day, and to even turn it around when you can’t think of what to write about, to write a whole post about that! And to hold our interest – right to the last word. You are magnificent 🙂


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