Songs of the Season. Il Est Ne, Le Divin Enfant

For me, the language of Christmas is spoken in French. As children, we did not know the language well and as my mother’s native tongue is French and my father was fluent, they always spoke in French when speaking about Christmas. We children would listen and try to figure out what they were saying, did I hear them say I was getting that Bride Doll I really wanted? What is the word for red rubber ball? Is that what they said?

My mother would sing a lot when we were children and one of my favourites was Il Est Ne, Le Divin Enfant. Today, whenever I hear it I am transported back to my childhood days when French was the language of Christmas and my mother’s voice sounded like an angel to my ears.

6 thoughts on “Songs of the Season. Il Est Ne, Le Divin Enfant

  1. Thank you for sharing Il est né le divin enfant. That is one of so many wonderful french Christmas carols from my childhood. ‘ça bergers assemblies nous’, Mon Dieu bénissez la nouvelle année,’, “Minuit Chrétiens’, ‘Dans cette table’…… love them all!
    Joyeux Noël!

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