Give your time away | 52 Acts of Grace | Week 31


Even if you don’t know what you are passionate about, volunteering is a great way to find out what your passions are.

Check your FB feed. What ‘stories’ do you share the most? What stories create energy around you? Are you passionate about ending racism? Discrimination? making sure refugees are treated fairly, find a way to assimilate, to find their own space in your city/town/area?

If you’re like me and find that stories of animal abuse cause you to cry and weep in despair, you might want to consider the wisdom of volunteering for one of these groups. I can’t do it. I know I will take on the pain and anger too much and not be able to experience the joy of helping one animal at a time. In these instances I donate money to the cause so that I can feel like I am contributing to the well-being of the animals and those who work so hard to end animal abuse.

Anger can be an avenue to passion. so if you find yourself always posting or reading up on discrimination, for example, find an organization in your area that works with immigrants and volunteer your time.

It’s a great way to meet people, learn about what is being done to make a difference for those who have come here to change their lives, and it’s a great way to contribute to making positive change happen.

Several years ago I gave a TEDxTalk called How Volunteering Saved My life.  It reminded me of all I was capable of in a time when I didn’t believe I was capable of much. Volunteering did save my life. It helped me restore my sense of worth, dignity, self-esteem, and, I met some wonderful people while I was there!


10 thoughts on “Give your time away | 52 Acts of Grace | Week 31

  1. the easiest excuse – the one I hear most often – is ‘I don’t have the time?’, which is a statement designed to end the discussion. I answer those with “how many hours of TV do you watch?, how many hours do you spend on your other devices?” … and most people see they have LOTS of time, the question is simply one of how they choose to use it, or dare I say ‘waste it’. We all have lots to do, but I don’t think there is anything more valuable, with the exception of raising children, that I’ve done in my life than projects I’ve been involved in as a volunteer. Each began with a conversation and a small task, each grew into something important, each grew into something valuable – and each could have consumed every minute of my life; so, my advice is ‘find a cause you really like and get a little-bit involved’ … and the rest will unfold …

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I volunteered heeps many years past, Louise. Like you, it helped me to see my own worth during a down period. If nothing else, it aids one’s own confidence. However, we both know there are many other advantages…. 🙂


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