The lighter side of life.

In a world where every day there is news of some new natural disaster or man made trauma, it is important to also see the lighter side of life to keep the beauty and wonder of the world alive in your heart.

For several months, I have been writing a weekly post at Sundays with Beaumont — Conversations with my Sheepadoodle.

As I said to my eldest sister as we were talking about how cheeky Beaumont is, “I find it fascinating how, even though I am the author, I still can’t win any conversation with Beau!”

Reality check. I’m both sides of the conversation! It’s not that I can’t win. It’s just that I like letting Beaumont get the upper hand! It amuses me and his readers.

Given that these conversations create joy and laughter for those who read them, creating them pleases me and brings me into my heartspace where every act of service, no matter how small, is a reflection of what I want to create more of in the world; kindness, compassion, joy and Love.

So, while these conversations are not ‘real’, they serve a real purpose. They remind me to not take myself so seriously. To not be so caught up in taking myself so seriously, I forget to have fun by creating love and joy in the world.

These conversations also remind me that life is precious, this journey brief. It’s important to find the joy in every day moments.

What do you do to find joy in everyday moments? How do you stay out of the quagmire of taking yourself so seriously, you forget to have fun?


Please join Beaumont and me at Sundays with Beaumont. We’d love to share in the lighter of side of life with you!  Click here:  Sundays with Beaumont  

8 thoughts on “The lighter side of life.

  1. A million yeses to this, Louise:) I feel like we honor life and living when we chase and honor joy and beauty. When we cultivate it.
    There is pain beyond words always, but there is also beauty and joy and light enough and our gratitude is a candle in the storm. Maybe even a lighthouse. Thanks for shining so brightly over there – I see and am encouraged always:)
    I appreciate the laughter,

    Liked by 1 person

    • I always loved those columns in Reader’s Digest, “Laughter is the Best Medicine”. I appreciate all the beauty and wonder you create and bring into the world Jennifer. Your art and words stir my imagination and make my heart dance for joy! Hugs and love. ❤


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