Be at peace with yourself | 52 Acts of Grace | Week 34


How often do you do something that ends up a mess only to create a bigger mess by calling yourself out?

C’mon. Be honest.

How often do you drop something, hear it break and then think, or say out loud, “You are so clumsy!” “Can’t you do anything right?” or words to that effect?

Stop it.

Dropping it was not your intention. It was an accident.

Treat yourself with respect. Kindness. Consideration.

To borrow from the teachings of Benjamin Zander, conductor, life-muser and philosopher, when you do something that’s a little incomprehensible to you about why or how you could have done it or it could have happened, throw both hands up in the air above you head and exclaim (with a big smile on your face) “Aren’t I fascinating!”

And then, carry on.

Clean up the mess. Make apologies and amends as appropriate. Definitely learn from a mistake if there’s a lesson to be learned, (for me it’s often to pay attention. Too often, I’m thinking of something else as I’m doing something else totally unrelated) and then, continue on. No matter the situation, don’t get stuck in self-condemnation.

Keep growing through the circumstances, don’t let the circumstances define you.


And bonus today!  This is one of my favourite TEDTalks.  Benjamin Zander: The Transformative Power of Classical Music. (or as I like to call it — The Transformative Power of not taking yourself too seriously.)

12 thoughts on “Be at peace with yourself | 52 Acts of Grace | Week 34

  1. Thank you Louise for helping us start out the week in a positive and compassionate manner. And thank you for sharing Benjamin Zander’s talk; it’s truly one of the best! Music is so tremendously important in our healing process ❤


  2. When I wake up every morning I have about twenty emails I go through & delete. I hit yours & have to read! Lol. I know I have readers that are that loyal & appreciate them but I love to know that they got something out of it. You never disappoint!
    & ya Always give me something to ponder! Another Louise great!
    I used to do Art Shows& would alway carry too many things trying to set up & ultimately always break something. Metaphor for my life! 😮😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Charles is always commenting on my ‘ability’ to carry too many things — he calls it the lazy man’s load — try to do in one trip that truly needs 3. 🙂 Alas, he is generally right! 🙂 Hugs Di. I love your beautiful energy. I’m still counting on us having that coffee one day! ❤


  3. Big Hugs Julie — in your comment — “I can’t see myself so it’s embarrassing to see myself through Ming’s loving eyes” I’m curious — what if you took the ’embarrassing’ out and changed it to ‘fascinating’ to see myself through Ming’s loving eyes’ Hugs my friend. You are amazing — and loving and incredibly wise and kind and caring. Your stories of your journey with Ants are both an inspiration and an opportunity for me to move more deeply into compassion. You are beautiful in my heart. ❤


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