Shared Dreams: A Mother’s Love

When I became a mother, I was terrified. How could I be entrusted with such precious beings? How would I ever live up to their right to live and grow into their dreams? I had no idea how I would manage, or even if I could. But I took a breath, and every day I continued to breathe through the fear, the pain, the anxiety, and the absolute conviction that I was failing, again and again. Yet, in those breaths, I also found the joy, the love, the absolute miracle of motherhood.

There are moments where I surpassed even my own fears, where I rose to the challenges, and there were moments where I fell, hard. There were moments to celebrate and moments I regret. Yet, even in that regret, I know that being a mother to my daughters is the greatest challenge and joy I have ever faced. I do not regret one single moment of this journey.

Too often, while working at a family homeless shelter, I witnessed one of the most heartrending scenes—a mother arriving with her one-day-old infant in her arms. Despite the often overwhelming struggles with addiction and poverty, the mothers’ desires mirrored my own: to want only the best for their child. She, too, carried dreams for her newborn, a poignant reminder that the hopes we hold for our children bind us together, transcending circumstances.

Becoming a mother was transformative for me. Thanks to my two amazing daughters, I was gifted the opportunity to heal, grow, and evolve into the woman I am today. Being a mother is the daily choice to accept my fallibilities, to learn to love myself—beauty and beast, warts and wounds, wisdom—and to forgive myself and begin again to learn, grow, change, and expand, time and time again.

Every child, including you and me, has come into this world through a mother’s womb. This Mother’s Day, let us honour all the wombs that gave birth, and all the arms that held, soothed, and loved a child, whether from your womb or another’s. May today remind you of how precious, beautiful, loved, and loving you are. You are magnificent.

Thank you to my mother and her mother’s mothers for this gift of life. Thank you to my daughters for the gift of seeing myself through Love’s eyes.

Sir Beaumont – Master of the T-Bone

Hear ye, hear ye, gather around to hear the tale of Sir Beaumont of Sheepadoodle, a noble knight born into the whimsical fur of a Sheepadoodle, and his quest for the holy grail of meats, the T-Bone steak—a feast not provided by his most negligent hooman, Louise, but rather mysteriously bestowed by the cosmic courier service known as The Universe (delivered by a mysterious stranger, courtesy of a fan named Rod methinks)….

To read the rest join Sir Beaumont at Sundays with Beaumont

Lessons In Flight

This morning, as I settled into my desk chair in front of the expansive window overlooking the river—where poplars and shrubs are just bursting into spring’s wardrobe—the voice within me, that wise and ancient friend full of universal wisdom and song, whispered, “Hello old friend.”

A few weeks back, I ambitiously declared I would write here Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Full disclosure: I called it my ‘plan.’ Now, let’s just say it was more of a fleeting ‘idea.’

Or, perhaps more accurately, I’ll refer to it as ‘when the muse beckons.’

A little backstory to my lengthy absences here: In February, I dove into a two-month course that led me to sign up for a year-long program aimed at building an online coaching business. I launched my “The ReWrite Journey” 8-week program in January, brimming with enthusiasm for its possibilities. But marketing it? Creating enticing videos and social media shout-outs to attract participants? Let’s just say I was starting at the bottom of a deep well of ‘unknowingness’.

I was once fluent in three languages, but this marketing jargon? It might as well be Greek—and I only know five words in that!

So, true to form when faced with a new challenge, I leapt in—arms wide, heart first, body following. I’d love to say I dived in gracefully, but let’s be real: it was a full-on cannonball. I hit the water with a loud “SPLAT” and plunged into the unknown depths of Clicks, Funnels, and Lead Generators. Every day I encounter new ideas and concepts so vast, I’m not sure there’s an end to this digital marketing well.

Needless to say, I’ve been feeling a bit like Alice tumbling down an endless rabbit hole of Internet marketing.

This morning, I came up for air. The truth is, I’m genuinely enjoying the discovery of all the nuances in creating an online teaching business that authentically and meaningfully serves the women I aim to support. After all, that’s what it’s about—being of service, doing what I call my ‘HeartWork.’ My goal is be a spark of inspiration that awakens women to their own potential—to live life beyond the comfort zone, swimming in the waters of limitless possibilities and breaking free from the limiting beliefs about those quiet, unspoken dreams within that keep nudging them to explore the ‘out there’—a world they once believed wasn’t for them.

That’s my mission: To awaken women (and, truly, everyone) to the incredible beauty of living the life they dream of—not just envisioning it, but actually living it.

And I can’t do that if I stay nestled in my comfort zone, sticking to the old ways that, while comfortable, don’t emanate from that deep, urgent space within—where those quiet, unspoken dreams demand I break free. It’s time to soar above the waters, to fly without wings!

If you’re interested, I still have a couple of spots open in the upcoming The ReWrite Journey beginning this Monday, May 13. It would be wonderful to have you on the journey! (louise [at] louisegallagher [dot[ ca

From Giving to Living: Balancing Self-Care with Caring for Others

Throughout our lives, especially as women, we often prioritize caring for others over ourselves. Whether as mothers, partners, friends, or colleagues, we frequently extend compassion and care outward, sometimes leaving very little for ourselves.

As we age, this pattern can persist if we do not consciously assess our own self-care practices. Proper self-care is crucial for living fully and passionately. It not only enhances our ability to care for others but also protects us from accumulating resentment and bitterness. Constantly prioritizing others can lead to an empty well of empathy and compassion.

Many factors contribute to neglecting self-care, including childhood conditioning, societal expectations, and a lack of self-belief. Without examination, these habits can lead to perpetual feelings of fatigue, burnout, and emptiness.

That’s why I’ve created the ‘Self-Care Check-In,’ a simple yet powerful tool to assess your self-care habits.

Why Reflective Journaling? Reflective journaling makes our thoughts and feelings tangible, allowing us to address often overlooked needs, desires, and well-being. This exercise encourages you to pause and ask whether you treat yourself with the same kindness and love you offer others.

In reflective journaling, there’s no judgment—only curiosity and empathetic acceptance. It opens a space for awareness, helping you explore possibilities for more loving self-care practices.

Self-Care Isn’t Just Pampering It’s about recognizing our worth and making ourselves a priority. By responding to specific questions through journaling, we can gauge our current self-care practices and identify steps to integrate better self-care into our daily routines.

Remember, the way we treat ourselves sets the stage for how we interact with the world, especially as we embrace the bold and brilliant years of our lives.

Let’s Get Started:

  1. Open your journal to a new page and title it ‘Self-Care Check-In.’
  2. At the top right-hand corner of the page, write a large A+. You’ve already started practicing positive self-care by showing up on the page—that deserves an A+.
  3. Below are four questions to help you assess your self-care. Please answer spontaneously, without overthinking.
    • Physical Self-Care: “What is one physical activity I did for myself today? (e.g., stretching, walking)”
    • Emotional Self-Care: “What is one thing I did today to make myself feel loved or supported?”
    • Mental Self-Care: “What is one thing I did today that brought me peace or rest?”
    • Gratitude: “What is one thing I am grateful for about myself today?”

After answering these questions, reflect on which area was most challenging and consider what steps you can take to improve self-care in that area.

For me, emotional self-care requires daily conscious effort. What about you?

I’d love to read your thoughts and experiences. Please share them in the comments below.


We explore Self-Care and what holds us back from extending it to ourselves in my 8 week program, The ReWrite Journey.

I’ll be starting a new cohort Monday, May 13th at 5:30pm MT.

Gift yourself time to explore the art of ageless living with The ReWrite Journey.

Learn more HERE

Hustle Bustle fade in Love and Laughter.

There’s an unsettling contrast in the hustle and bustle of a 6:30 am airport arrival, especially for someone accustomed to quiet, calm mornings. Yet, after eight days immersed in the lively chaos with my grandchildren, I’ve grown fond of this very different kind of hustle.

In my daughter’s home, where the guest room sits on the entry level, the main living area is one floor up, with the family bedrooms above that. Each morning of my visit, the pounding of small feet racing down the stairs stirs my heart with excitement—they’re awake!

Normally, they come to fetch me, but if they don’t, I quickly get ready and head upstairs. Often, my nearly four-year-old granddaughter is the first to greet me with a cheerful “YiaYa!” My six-year-old grandson, ever so quickly maturing, rushes over to give me one of his fierce hugs, making my heart dance with a wild joy for these little ones who bring pure bliss into my life.

This morning, the house was still when the taxi arrived just before 6:00 to take me to the airport. We had exchanged heartfelt goodbyes the night before, complete with hugs and an emphatic “I love you” from an almost-four-year-old with a flair for the dramatic.

Now, as I sit waiting for my 8:30 flight, my heart feels full and my body weary. Despite the chaos of the airport’s morning rush—from the bag drop to the security line and the long queue for my much-needed coffee—I made it to my gate with relative ease, settling into the calm of the waiting area.

As people pass by, dragging suitcases or carrying children, a group of young men chatting in a language unknown to me catches my attention. Their laughter, loud and infectious, fills the air, reminding me that laughter, like love, knows no boundaries. It connects us across languages, cultures, races, and religions.

It was a joyful, albeit mostly rainy, week spent with my grandchildren, daughter and son-in-love. My heart is overflowing with the language of our hearts, dispelling any sadness from my departure that might be attempting to seep in. In the memories of our time together, the weariness from the constant activity fades, leaving only space for love and laughter.

I am so grateful. I am truly blessed.

How Will You Be Remembered?

True or False? Most of us like to believe we are unforgettable—that when we pass away, our memories will continue to live in the hearts and minds of those we love.

The truth is, we all hope to be remembered.

But here’s the catch: for how many generations will we be remembered? Do you know the first name of your great-grandfather? His birthplace? What he was most proud of? Like most people, you probably know details about one or two generations back, but beyond that, memories tend to fade.

It’s not just the passage of time that causes the threads of memory to weaken; it’s also distance. The further removed we are from the lives of those who came before us, the easier it becomes to not look back.

So, how do we weave golden threads of memory that not only last but guide and inspire future generations?

This is where The ReWrite Journey comes into play. My two-month course is designed specifically for women over 50 who are seeking to leave a meaningful legacy. Through this journey, participants will discover strategies to document their lives, articulate their experiences, and express their values, ensuring that their legacies are not just remembered but cherished.

In The ReWrite Journey, we do more than just recount the past; we reshape how the future remembers us. By actively planning our ‘age journey,’ we create a tapestry of memories that not only tell our story but also serve as a beacon for others to follow.

Are you ready to ensure that your life is not just lived but remembered? Join me on The ReWrite Journey, and let’s start weaving those golden threads together.

To further enrich your journey towards a meaningful legacy, I invite you to join my Free Online transformational masterclass, Radiant Bold Aging. This is an opportunity for you to delve deeper into the art of vibrant living and legacy building. Together, we will explore innovative strategies and insights that empower you to embrace your later years with enthusiasm and grace. Don’t miss this chance to transform your tomorrow.

Sign up today for RADIANT BOLD AGING – May 2, 5pm – 6:30pm (MT) and take the first step towards your radiant and bold future!

An experiment in Joy

I tried something new yesterday. I am working on a small workbook called The Joy Wheel and was wondering what it felt like to walk in the woods thinking only about all that is wrong in the world, with people. Me. Everything.

I wasn’t very good at it. In fact I was terrible!

And, though the experiment didn’t last long, I can confirm that in the few minutes I consciously thought negative thoughts I felt AWFUL!

I mean AWFUL.

I could feel the heaviness settle on my body pushing my shoulders down and forward as I bowed to the weight of all that negativity. My mind felt muddled, awash in a tsunami of conflicting thoughts and feelings.

And honest. I tried really hard to stay in the darkness of looking for all that is wrong, painful, disruptive and joyless but… it hurt too much. I had to stop.

So here’s my question for you. Where do you live? What do you fill you body with? Do you self- sabotage yourself with thoughts of dark clouds glowering overhead and doom looming in the crevices of your mind and the world around you?

Or, do you choose to shift your inner power balance by consciously filling your thoughts with moments of joy. Moments of gratitude and appreciation for what is beautiful, wonderful and possible in your life today?

In The ReWrite Journey we dive into the thought patterns that are keeping us stuck in ‘lack’ and ‘not good enough’ thinking to rewrite the stories we tell on ourselves to ones of epic tales of adventure, growth and possibility. Stories where you are the heroine of your own journey of discovery. The architect of your path through the forest of self- limiting beliefs that have held you back from bringing your true potential alive so that you can live on the wild side of drama dancing in all the colours of the rainbow.

If you’re curious I invite you to book a free 1:1 half hour Design Your Future call with me to learn more about the possibilities of living your dreams.

It’s easy. Fun. And there’s no pressure. Just curiosity and a wonderful opportunity to chat and get to know one another better.

To book a call click here:

I welcome the opportunity to chat.

Why be a Princess when you can be Queen?

As young girls, we reveled in fairytales, enchanted by princesses who slept for a century, spun straw into gold, or toiled under the harsh commands of wicked stepmothers. We admired their beauty and grace, yet seldom questioned their lack of autonomy. These princesses, perennially waiting for rescue, mirrored a narrative that offered no guide on harnessing our intrinsic strengths. Just like the incomplete princess awaiting Prince Charming, the roadmap for growing older and claiming our queenly powers was conspicuously absent, leaving us to navigate for ourselves the road through dormant potential to becoming women brimming with passion, wisdom, and joy.

As women over 50, we’ve traversed the dense forests of life’s challenges and triumphs. We’ve built careers, nurtured families, and endured the relentless grind of daily responsibilities. Through it all, we’ve cultivated a formidable power—the power of experience and wisdom.

In my transformative masterclass, ‘Radiant Bold Aging,’ I delve into the incredible strength, courage, and resilience we possess. Despite hardships and losses, we’ve persevered, gathering wisdom and courage with each challenge faced.

Now, at this pivotal age of embracing our ‘Queen Within,’ it is precisely this courage, strength, resilience, and wisdom that we must lean into enrich and illuminate our path forward.

For decades, we prioritized the needs of others, often sidelining our own. But what if we shifted this balance? What if we placed our desires, our ambitions, our wellness at the forefront? Imagine the boundless possibilities when we focus on cultivating our inner sovereignty.

This journey isn’t about discarding our past; it’s about building upon the vast reservoir of skills and insights we’ve accumulated. It’s about recognizing that we have always been the heroines of our own stories—not waiting to be saved, but actively saving ourselves and, in doing so, setting a powerful example for those around us. And through this process, we chart the very map that was absent when we were children, captivated by the tales of princesses in a land far, far away. A map that will guide women, not yet at the threshold of their Queendom, navigate the road ahead.

Join me at RADIANT BOLD AGING as we explore what it means to truly rule our own lives with soul-driven grace, resilience, wisdom, and power.

To register for RADIANT BOLD AGING, tomorrow at 4pm MT click the photo below.

To link readers to my registration page for Radiant Bold Aging

Dare to Claim Your Right to be Your Own Queen

There comes a time in every woman’s life when dreams of being a fairytale princess evolve into the realization that to fully embrace their potential, they must step into the next chapter and claim their right to be queen in their own lives. It’s time to reign over their Queendom and sit upon the throne of their own design.

Yet, too often, we hesitate. We stall and forestall. We tell ourselves we can’t step out and shine brightly or sing loudly—just in case others take notice. Just in case they talk, mock, or shun us.


We are born to shine. We are born to cast off the limiting beliefs that push us into the shadows, dimming our light and our capacity to make a difference.

It’s one of the many gifts of aging. The realization that only we hold our unique gifts, and holding them tight denies the world the possibilities that open up when we share them.

Recently, someone asked if I feel self-conscious when speaking into the camera. “Feeling self-conscious is a form of false humility,” I replied. “I do it to inspire other women to do the same. Why feel self-conscious when what I’m doing is modeling bravery?”

Years ago, I wrote a story for my daughters called “Princess Iwannabe.” At the time, they were preteens, and I wanted to inspire them to cast off the need to fit in so that they could carve their own paths.

Princess Iwannabe resisted taking up her Queenly duties, preferring instead to sit around eating bonbons, waiting for her Prince Charming. When told she had to learn the duties of a Queen, she ran away from the castle. She had many adventures and ultimately discovered that the Prince Charming she was waiting for was never coming. Instead, she was waiting for herself to wake up to her own power.

Awakened, I am standing in my power and claiming my right to be Queen in my own life.

What about you?

Are you ready? Will you dare to cast off self-doubt and fear to step beyond the boundaries of your comfort zone into a whole new era of living wild and free in the land of your own Queendom?

Are you ready?

An Ode to the Eclipse (collaborative poem with Bandi Photography)

I started to write this piece in a 2 minute writing process during yesterday morning’s meditation. —. It drifted in and out of my day, through a lunch with three friends of my sister Jackie. She used to have a semi-annual lunch with them before the fall that lead to her death last November. It was a beautiful time together that felt even more potent with the pending eclipse almost upon us. And then, during lunch, the moon passed in front of the moon but from where we sat, its happening was barely physically noticeable despite its energetic force. And still, it’s power lingered in tendrils of thoughts of the energy of the eclipse that kept slipping in and out of my mind’s eye. A late afternoon zoom interview with a woman for my upcoming 6 month course, ReEnvision Your Journey, that lead into an evening sharing dinner with my beloved, sitting back at my desk overlooking the river flowing with energy towards a distant sea. Effortlessly I slipped back into the quiet and the words spilled out.

And then, after penning it and searching for a photo on Unsplash, a photo appeared on the wonderful ‘s FB page and I sent the poem to him to ask if he would be willing to collaborate.

I am grateful he said yes. ❤ Thank you Bandi for being such a beautiful creative soul and friend.

An Ode to the Eclipse 
by Louise Gallagher

Tapping in
to align
energy flowing
with potent wholeness
Let go
Welcome in
Don’t be afraid
Open up
shadow turning dark to light
the all you’ve dreamt into being
The all that has been holding
for you
to awaken
to your own potency
giving birth
to your dreams.