Definitely feelin’ like the sun will come up (Daily intention)

Have you ever noticed how sometimes, you just can’t help but feel irritated by the actions of the people around you? How, no matter how hard you try, ‘they’ just can’t seem to get it right.

In those moments where I’m feeling like there’s something wrong with the rest of the world, I breathe. Deeply. Say quietly, “Forgive them. Bless them.Β  Forgive me.Β Bless me.”

Yesterday, our contractor who I thought was arriving in the morning to paint and do some minor repairs told me when I called to check on when they were coming that he thought they were supposed to come today.

Of course, I know I’m right. I know that we committed to yesterday.

Being right doesn’t make me feel happy, especially when he thinks he’s right in his dates too.

Nor does being right give me peace of mind. It only leaves me feeling frustrated. And while we are on a tight timeline — the house gets photographed and listed on Friday — there isn’t much sense in letting my frustration froth over to create an air of discord between myself and the people I am relying on to help us get the house in shape.

It is possible — he was confused about timing. That’s what he told me happened.

I have a choice.

To accept his ‘truth’ as fact. Or not.

Either way, he won’t be here to start the work until today.

When I hold onto ‘he’s wrong’ thinking, I hold myself in that space between where my side of the conversation is the only one that counts. Accepting we both have our positions, without judging who’s right or wrong, frees me of anger, frustration, angst.

In accepting what is, I create room for both of us to be present with what is real right now — he and his partner will be here today to do the work.

I am manifesting what I want to create in the world — a smooth transition from one home to the next. A successful sale of this home that is effortless and filled with ease, and a grace-filled move into our new home.

The universe is with me.

There is no wrong nor right way to do this part. There is only the way that is happening now.


It’s working.

I’m feelin’ like the sun will come up and the day will be bright and all will be well in my world!

Now, if I could just wiggle my nose, click the heels of my ruby red shoes together and say Abracadabra! the move will be over, the house will be sold and we’ll be living on easy street!

Deep breath in.

Deep breath out.

Yup. definitely feelin’ it! πŸ™‚

How’s your world looking today?


12 thoughts on “Definitely feelin’ like the sun will come up (Daily intention)

  1. This was the theme today! Focus on what we love, what we want and it will come to us. This really spoke to me: “I am manifesting what I want to create in the world β€” a smooth transition from one home to the next. A successful sale of this home that is effortless and filled with ease, and a grace-filled move into our new home.
    The universe is with me.”- Yes. The universe is with you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I didn’t always think that E. I kind of thought it was ‘against me’ and then I realized, it isn’t for or against, it is simply with me — in that realization, I got to choose how I turned up and with me, the universe turned up! ❀

      Liked by 1 person

      • Me either Louise. Honestly sometimes I’m still not sure it is which is why I found your post so encouraging. πŸ™‚


  2. I am happy that I survived my frustration!
    My internet was in and out for a whole week until yesterday. The problem was not really solved after the ATT sent a technician to my home. He changed a new modem and disconnected my home phone from Ethernet.
    From now on my lifeline will always working no matter there is internet or not! Who cares to pay a little more! Life is priceless!


  3. we are not all connected to time, timeliness or keeping commitments as others are – and when the work is done, you will be happy or not, your contractor will redeem himself or not, and you will refer him to others … or not


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