12 thoughts on “Song of joy

  1. Reblogged this on Existential Farmgrrrl and commented:
    I have actually been thinking a lot about this lately, in two parts. One part is to let my voice be heard, and the second part is to be positive! I have been living in a very oppressive home life for years, where I haven’t been able to express myself and it has been so hard to be positive, especially since I am surrounded by negative people. However, I am a positive person by nature and always look for good in a situation, and I have always been a writer even when I don’t write. So, finding my song in my heart and sing for joy is EXACTLY what I need to do!


  2. Having posted this I have a moment of panic that the ‘ex’ could be a relative of yours (truly sorry if it is) and my brain goes blank as I try to recall your daughters names. I’m almost certain that neither of them is an Elizabeth.mI just thought the odds of knowing someone in Canada with a surname Gallagher was ironic enough to message you 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Louise, I have just made the difficult decision to let go of any hope of reconciling with an in-law and to actually let go of her totally. It feels wrong but all my attempts have fallen on deaf ears. Any advice, wise woman? Jxxx


    • Oh lovely Julie. I think one of the hardest things is to let go of someone with a peaceful heart. For me. There is a mantra that works to allow me to find the grace in letting go – I love you as you are. I love me as I am. Bless you. Bless me. Let us be free to be who we are.

      Whenever thoughts of the other doubt enters I take a deep breath, smile in my heart, repeat my mantra and keep moving

      It is hard Julie because you care and believe it can be another way. Sometimes, the other is quite content with the way it is…

      Much love to you my friend.

      Liked by 1 person

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