Be the reason someone smiles

No one wakes up in the morning and declares, “Today I shall be the reason someone cries.”  At least I hope not.

I believe we wake up with an evolutionary impulse, even if we are not aware of it, that continuously declares our human intention to create better.

What if we decided we don’t have to change the world, we just have to be our own kind of change in the world.

That making a difference isn’t about finding the cure to some disease or a new star (both of which would be lovely) but rather, difference-making comes when we choose to shine our light and be brave, bold, daring in our presence in this world.

What if we realized difference-making is created when we choose to be conscious of our impact on everyone and everything around us.

And what if, we decided to begin right where we are? That today, rather than think about all the things that are not going well in our life, or all the things we need other’s to change to make our lives better, we chose instead to focus on ‘What can I do in this moment right now that will make a difference to those around me?’

What if we decided to be the reason someone smiles?

Or laughs, or feels good about themselves or sees the miracle they are because we’ve acknowledged their magnificence by letting our magnificence shine through our smile?

What if we got conscious and accepted our presence makes a difference and when we shine our light (Smile! You’re on Candid Camera!), the world is a brighter place?

13 thoughts on “Be the reason someone smiles

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