Morning Sunshine!

Morning light streams in through my kitchen window, a summer breeze chatters in the trees, the river flows and I am awakened.

Some mornings are made for dancing. Soul Dancing. Heart Thumping. Blood Flowing.

I dance.

I feel the freshness of the morning air upon my face. I sense the rhythm of the music in my soul.

I move slowly. Gracefully. Gently.

I move faster now. My limbs stretching out, and out, I reach for the sky. I touch the earth.

This morning, the sun arose and I rose with it, my entire being infused iwth the pure joy of being alive. Of life. Of this moment, right now.

I embraced movement meditation. I let the music lead my body, stir my heart and soul. I let the notes pour into me and felt my blood flowing steadily, like the river outside my window. Flowing endlessly to the sea, into the ocean of life that is my life, that is as important within our shared universe as your life is to its natural rhythm, rhyme and reason.

I embraced my life this morning through movement meditation and then…

I made my latte. Admired the sun on the kitchen counter. Listened to the wind in the trees, the birds chirping, the river flowing, the traffic moving across the bridge.

All is well with my soul.


4 thoughts on “Morning Sunshine!

  1. Pingback: Morning Sunshine! – Timeless Wisdoms

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