October Woman – Be The Change– #ShePersisted

October Woman #ShePersisted 2021 Desk Calendar – to view more of the series, please click HERE

The moon hangs high in the morning sky above the horizon bruised rose and violet by the sun’s awakening rays.

The air is crisp. The river runs past, its surface gunmetal grey tinted with the soft mauve reflection of the morning sky above. The trees sway in a gentle morning breeze as gracefully as Sufi turning round and round to the soft melodic chants of ancient verses wafting in the air around them.

And the earth keeps spinning.

And we keep breathing and taking, breathing and taking as if the largesse of Mother Earth will go one for eternity.

It can’t.

Go on and on and on.

Not if we keep treating Mother Earth’s gifts as ours to take and plunder and abuse.

We need Mother Earth to survive. She is not just our home. She is the home of every organism, every creature, every sentient and insentient being on this planet.

We must take care of her. We must act like guests on the planet. Not like we own her. Because we don’t. No one and no one thing owns Mother Earth. She is our host and hostess. She is our conduit around the sun every year. Our purveyor of all things wonderful and marvellous in our world.

We do not own Mother Earth.

Instead of taking whatever we want, whenever we want, lets sing a song of gratitude. Let’s give thanks for this wondrous planet that supports all of life without discrimination, without judgment.

Instead of abusing her, let’s change our ways and dig deep into our hearts to become the change we want to see in the world – Sustainability. Longevity. In all life. All things. All ways.

Our very breath depends upon it. And the lives of our grandchildren’s children depend on our changing our ways too.

Now. Forever. And Always.


I have a limited number of #ShePersisted 2021 Desk Calendars left in my Etsy Shop. To order yours, please click HERE, or message me if you have questions or prefer to send an etransfer. Free Shipping in Canada. Get it in time for Christmas!

4 thoughts on “October Woman – Be The Change– #ShePersisted

  1. I shall definitely go listen – though I must admit – when I first read about the energy inefficiencies and environmental dangers of electric car generation, I was shocked! And like you, will not be changing!


  2. If you want to hear just what is happening to Mother Earth because today’s society is infatuated with digital technology, electric cars, etc., I suggest you listen to Part 5 of the 2020 Massey Lectures titled, “Want to help save the planet? Hang onto to your old smartphone” by Ron Diebert, founder and director of Citizen Lab at U of T. I will never consider getting an electric car after hearing this particular episode. Mother Earth cannot accept anymore damage just to satisfy one group’s attempts of getting off fossil fuels. And this is just one aspect. We need way more research to be done, but it will probably not be completed in our lifetime. Maybe sometime in the future …

    Liked by 1 person

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