Sugar and Spce and Everything Nice – but no red wine please

There are things that make my world go quiet. Things that make it sparkle and shine. And things that settle around me like being wrapped in a cozy blanket in front of a roaring fire on a chilly winter’s day.

This week held all three.

Arthritis, and a night without sleep, quieten my world. I’m not sure what’s triggered it this week (I have my suspicions – no more red wine on this adventure for me), but my feet decided it was their turn to make their presence known.

Softly, gently I walk. Each step a careful examination of how to place each foot to radiate the minimum amount of angst. And with each step, I remember to pay attention to my surroundings, to be aware of the beauty in every moment.

My sister makes the BEST charcuterie trays ever — though I do think she might have thought I said 100 people instead of 10…

Father’s Day dinner was a weekend of sparkle and shine. Sure, it could be that mixing two days on my feet with red wine may have contributed to Sunday night’s sleepless nature, but even arthritis can’t diminish the joy of sharing time, food (and wine) with those I love, not to mention the joy I get setting a pretty table. It all mixes up into a wonderful a recipe for love, laughter and life full of sparkly moments! Add to the mix the anticipation of my eldest daughter and her family arriving this weekend for a week’s visit, and the sparkle amps up to kleig light velocity!

And, the feelling of being wrapped up in a cozy blanket? Well, that comes from spending time in my studio (after a long hiatus) creating a tiny book for my granddaughter’s 3rd birthday.

I had created one for her brother’s first birthday, which she recently found, and according to my daughter, is fascinated by it. Not so much the story but the fact, her YiaYa made it.

I couldn’t resist the call to make Ivy one of her own! (and thanks to that sleepless night, I’m half finished!)

The beauty of a sleepless night is, it doesn’t diminish the muses calling, and it does open up time to dive into creative expressions!

For me, it is the ‘Big Thing’ in all of it….

No matter what life throws or pours or drips onto my plate, my life is richer when I stop, breathe, centre myself and find the value in all things.

From trauma to little moments of doubt, there is always an opportunity to learn and grow and expand beyond what I know or think are my limits, or the walls of my comfot zone, to experience the more of what life has to offer.

I’ll take it — with a side of sugar and spice and everything nice, of course, but no red wine please.

7 thoughts on “Sugar and Spce and Everything Nice – but no red wine please

    • Thank you! She did! She particularly loved the Unicorn who came to visit at her birthday party — I’ve taken a bit of a hiatus from my blog as summer advanced but will share some photos from the party — it was pure delight!

      Liked by 1 person

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