Why Change Now?

I think one of the most challenging aspects of aging is the growing awareness that our one last breath is drawing nearer with every breath we take. By perforce, that awareness embodies the realization that time is fleeting. It passes quickly – and there’s less time to do the things we want to accomplish, to achieve our dreams, to heal relationships, to change directions – to step joyfully into whatever we see before us.

That pressure of time passing can act as both a deterrent or motivator to making change happen in our lives.

Sometimes, we can fall into the habit of acting out on our belief there’s no point in doing anything. We don’t have enough time to make change happen and we’re too old anyway. Our acting out looks like inaction — but the act of thinking about doing nothing is action in and of itself.

When we choose to believe every breath matters and every breath is an opening into wonder and awe, the possibility of our taking active, committed and passionate steps towards whatever it is we want to achieve or do overrides time’s insistence we keep watch of each passing minute, without doing anything else.

I like to multi-task. Keeping watch of time motivates me to keep doing the things I want to do to add richness, variety, excitement, joy, mystery, wonder and awe into my life.

I’ve lived most of my life like that. Why change now?

6 thoughts on “Why Change Now?

  1. Fact – I know that I do not have enough time to do everything I want to, dream about, or simply should do.
    Fact- I do not know when my time will run out.
    Fact – I have the power to choose what I want or not want to accomplish, to make change that will have a positive impact on someone or something.
    Fact – I will not spend any more time mulling this over for that is simply a waste of precious time.

    If one dwells too much, too long on the fact that we have but a finite time on this earth to accomplish something, depression may set in rather quickly and that is definitely a game-changer in the wrong direction

    Ergon- Carpe Diem!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ah yes! Carpe Diem.

      I love your facts. And you bring up an excellent point — brooding (such a great word) is not healthy and it doesn’t change anything other than possibly one’s attitude grows darker the more one broods.

      Thanks for the mind-starter Iwona!


  2. LG,

    I am familiar with what you are saying – something we all think about from time to time; I recall a great quote from Isaac Asimov:

    “If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn’t brood. I’d type a little faster.”

    Liked by 1 person

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