The L.I.F.E. Process: Embracing Ageless Living

Aging is inevitable. It’s a journey we all embark on from the moment we’re born. But what if, instead of fearing or resenting the changes, we embraced them as an opportunity for reinvention and radiant living?

I’m here to tell you that at 70, I don’t feel “old.” Not in the way society has conditioned us to believe. And you don’t have to either.

I’ve created She Dares, Radiant Bold Aging to inspire women to cast off society’s outdated notions of aging and step into a life that celebrates ageless living. It’s about honouring our bodies, embracing our wisdom and radiant beauty, and living with wild abandon.

L.I.F.E. – Your Blueprint for Ageless Living

At the heart of this philosophy is my four-step L.I.F.E. process, a nourishing and stimulating container designed to help you create and live the life you dream of:

  1. LOVE: Fall deeply in love with yourself – every wrinkle, every laugh line, every bit of your unique journey. Let love be the foundation of how you interact with the world and everyone and every thing in it.
  2. ILLUMINATE: Shine a light on your inner world, exploring both your shadows and your light. Embrace your whole self – the messy, beautiful, complex human being you are today.
  3. FLOW: Surrender resistance and allow yourself to flow with the current of life. It’s an ever-changing river, full of energy and excitement. Your willingness to ride the waves will make it an exhilarating adventure throughout your lifetime!
  4. EMBRACE: Open your arms wide to change, ambiguity, and everything that makes you, YOU. Each new chapter is an opportunity for growth and transformation. Each new gem you uncover within you adds sparkle and light to the world around you.

Why a Container Like L.I.F.E. Matters

Think of L.I.F.E. as a compass guiding you through uncharted territory. It provides a framework for self-discovery, empowerment, and ageless living. It’s not just a process; it’s a mindset. It’s a declaration that you’re ready to rewrite your story, casting off limitations and embracing the radiant, bold woman you were born to be.

Ready to Rewrite Your Story?

If you’re ready to shed the fear of aging and step into a life of vibrancy, joy, and limitless potential, then the L.I.F.E. process is your invitation. Here are a few ways to dive in and begin your journey of ageless living:

  • Join the She Dares community on FB: Connect with a community of like-minded women who are rewriting their stories and embracing radiant, bold aging.
  • Radiant Bold Aging Masterclass: Join me on June 7th at 10am 9MT or June 12th at 5pm (MT) for an immersive experience where we’ll explore the L.I.F.E. process and unlock the secrets to ageless living.
  • The ReWrite Journey Course: Sign up for my upcoming course launching in June, where you’ll embark on an 8 week transformative journey of self-discovery, guided by the L.I.F.E. process.

It’s time to embrace your ageless spirit and create a life that radiates with joy, purpose, and bold authenticity.

Let’s rewrite our stories together!

Finding Self-Love, Forgiveness and Healing After a Toxic Relationship

In my MasterClass – RADIANT BOLD AGING, I share what I’ve learned about the power of forgiveness and self-compassion and love in having triumped over an abuse relationship that set me free to love myself completely.

Through a very toxic relationship, I learned that self-hatred is the enemy of freedom, self- denial the path to peridition.

When I escaped that relationship, my priority was to heal myself so I could repair and reclaim the bonds I’d broken with my daughters. Over the almost five years of that relationship, I’d caused them immense pain and betrayed their trust.

In my MC, I share how, while it was easy to want to blame my ex-partner for everything, I knew I was accountable for my actions. The path to regaining their trust and forgiveness started with forgiving myself so that I could be 100% accountable for the pain I’d caused them.

This was a difficult step because I wanted it to be ‘all his fault’. Fact is, to heal myself and my relationship with my daughters, I had to step into my own agency. So, I made a conscious decision to simplify the process of forgiving myself. I repeatedly told myself, “I forgive myself,” without any qualifications or dwelling on past mistakes. It was liberating to let go of the guilt and shame.

Similarly, when thoughts of abuser resurfaced (which in those first heady days of freedom they frequently did), I mentally put up stop signs and redirected my focus to healing and creating a positive future.

The journey to healing wasn’t linear. There were setbacks and moments of doubt, but with each step, I fell deeper and deeper in love with myself AND rekindled the love and connection with my daughters.

Healing is ongoing, and the past still holds some influence in our unconscious, even when we think ‘we’re done with that’. Triggers can emerge enexpectedly. The power is in choosing to step into ‘the mess’ to heal the broken places triggers reveal. I’ve learned to navigate those spaces with forgiveness and self-compassion.

That relationship, though awful for my family and the friends who loved me, strengthened me, my daughters, and all my relationships. My daughter once shared that she didn’t regret it, as it ultimately made us stronger. I agree.

A few years ago, my eldest daughter and I shared our story of healing at a conference. It was challenging but also incredibly rewarding. It was a reminder that I can’t change the past, but I can choose to ‘let it be’ and shape a positive future through forgiveness and love.

This journey taught me to stop seeking fairy tales and to believe in myself. I learned that dreams can come true when we embrace truth, dignity, kindness, and forgiveness.

Most importantly, I discovered the importance of letting go of self-doubt and falling in love with ourselves and our lives.

If you’re interested in falling in love with yourself, in igniting your passion for living free of the past, and instilling more fun and joy into your everyday, join me at RADIANT BOLD AGING, June 7, 10-11:30 am (MT). It’s free and online — you can come as you are — in your pajamas or ball gown!

I hope to see you there.

Creative Essence Unleashed – set your creative spirit free

I cannot remember a time when I did not write. As a child, I created stories, wrote in my diary, and had pen pals all over the world.

In Grade 8, I wrote a story I was really proud of: a tale of two spies—a strong, decisive woman and a brawny man—on a mission to save the world. They succeeded but met a tragic end when their car exploded as they were about to celebrate. My teacher praised the story but insisted I couldn’t kill off the heroes. “Why not?” I asked. “They’re my creation.” She explained the need to cater to the audience’s desire for happy endings.

Since then, I’ve struggled to write without tying my stories up in pretty bows, to let go of the need to write cautiously and neatly.

This is why I created my 6-week course, Creative Essence Unleashed: An Artful Journey. For the past four years, I’ve written poetry with a group of women, freeing myself from the “Box of Tidy” and writing from a place of deep, raw wisdom. Combined with the freedom of art-journalling, I have unlocked the blocks that kept me tied up in writing

I LOVE it and want to share this freedom and joy with others. Creative Essence Unleashed: An Artful Journey launches on May 22 at a special introductory price.

Join me in this beautiful, intimate space to explore, unravel, design, create, and become. This course combines simple art-journalling techniques to create a holistic environment where ‘anything goes’ and everything becomes. Embrace the freedom of art journaling and discover the limitless potential within you.

I’d be thrilled to have you on the journey with me!

I hope to see you there!

Let Us Remember The Mothers #IWD2024

On this International Women’s Day let us not forget the mothers. The ones who are fleeing war torn lands, their children’s hands gripped firmly in theirs as they navigate the uncertain terrains they must cross to reach safety.

These women are not feeling the war. They are risking their lives to safeguard the future of all humankind by taking the children out of the line of fire.

They are future-makers, memory-keepers and peace-makers.

They carry with them the memories that make lives rich. Traditions handed down through generations. Recipes passed from one generation to the next. They carry the scars on their bodies of childbirth, of watching their sons go off to war, of burying their children before their time, of moving through exhaustion and fear to care for those who cannot care for themselves. And always, despite the hardships they’ve endured, the losses they’ve experienced, the fear their children would not make it to safety, they carry with them, Love.

It is the courage of these women to love in times of war and unspeakable losses and fear and turmoil as they struggle to get their children to safety that will carry us beyond the tragedy of these days so that one day we can all stand united in peace, together in Love.