Blessed Solstice to All

In this deep midwinter, with Winter Solstice upon us, my heart carries a complex blend of emotions. As it is for so many, this season is overshadowed by the weight of loss, especially poignant when it intertwines with the traditions and memories of Christmas. This year, as the Solstice brings its promise of returning light, I find myself reflecting on the eternal nature of love and loss, and how they shape our journey through life.

Grieving is a deeply personal journey, one that can feel more intense during significant times like the holidays. For those of us who have lost loved ones, the joy and festivity of Christmas can be a stark reminder of their absence. This festive season, the memories of my dear sister, Jackie, my beloved friend Wendy, and my cherished friend Andrew, and my Aunt Eveline, all of whom left this earthly plane in recent time, are especially vivid. Their departures from this world have left a void that seems as eternal as their memory.

The Winter Solstice, marking the longest night and the return of longer days, offers a powerful symbol during this time of reflection. It’s a natural event that mirrors the gradual easing of grief, reminding us that love, like light, endures beyond the darkest of times.

This Solstice, I am honouring these treasured souls, as well as others, in a special way. At 8:37 a.m., I lit a candle on my desk, and will leave burn throughout the day until 8:27 p.m., when the Earth begins its tilt back towards the sun in the Northern Hemisphere. This act is not just a tribute to their enduring spirits but also a celebration of the returning sun – a symbol of hope and renewal.

This candle, flickering gently on my writing desk, overlooks the ever-flowing river outside my window. Its light is more than a symbol of remembrance; it embodies the enduring presence of love and the resilience of the human spirit. As I lit it, I invited the healing light of love into the now, acknowledging that our capacity for love remains steadfast, even amidst pain. The river outside, tirelessly flowing towards a distant, unseen sea, serves as a poignant metaphor for this. Just as the river’s waters are in constant motion, so too is love – an unceasing force that carries with it our hopes, dreams, and aspirations. In its perpetual flow, the river reminds us that life and love, much like the waters, move ever onward, weaving a path of healing and renewal through the landscapes of our lives.

As time, like the river, moves on and the Winter Solstice passes, bringing longer days, I know that with its passing, the weight of grief will also begin to lighten, leaving only love and memories in its wake. The cycle of the seasons reassures me that after darkness, there is always light. This Solstice, may it be a gentle reminder to all who are grieving that love, like the sun, is ever-present, guiding us towards brighter days filled with love and joy.

Beneath the watchful eyes of the longest night, as the candle flickers and the river flows, may the enduring spirit of love wrap around you like a warm, comforting embrace. On this Winter Solstice, let the returning light be a gentle reminder of the unceasing flow of love – healing, renewing, and guiding you through your journeys. May it carry the memories of those you hold dear, transforming your grief into a tapestry of hope and resilience. As the sun reclaims the sky, may your heart find peace in the knowledge that love, like the river, flows eternally, weaving through your life with grace and strength.

Grief is a reminder of the love we carry for those who are gone. As you navigate the complexities of grief and celebration, hold onto the promise of the Solstice. It tells each of us that life, in all its pain and beauty, is a cycle of endless renewal. In remembering those we have lost, the memory of their love and how much we loved them replenishes our hopes and dreams, and in welcoming the light, we open our hearts to the possibilities of a new day.

Blessed Solstice to All.