Thank you Lady M (a poem for April Poetry Month)

For the last few years, the gifted and soulful Brian Pearson has been the guide of an online community, The Mystic Cave, which offers sanctuary to those searching for spiritual depth beyond conventional religions.

Brian describes The Mystic Cave podcast as “a haven for seekers—narratives, dialogues, and musings on the spiritual quest beyond the boundaries of church land.”

Our paths crossed when I was organizing an annual Christmas benefit concert, to support formerly homeless veterans, at St. Stephen’s Anglican Church in Calgary. As the head pastor, Brian not only opened the church’s doors for the “Christmas at The Madison” benefit concert but also graced the event with his soothing voice and masterful guitar play, captivating everyone, including my daughters.

With time, Brian ventured beyond the church to establish The Mystic Cave and, in doing so, has become a cherished friend and mentor.

Today, as I listened to Brian’s conversation with the luminous Meredith Heller—poet, educator, musician, songwriter, and a woman of incandescent spirit—on his podcast, the muse stirred and whispered her melodious urgings into my heart.

In the stillness of the morning, with my beloved asleep beside me and Beaumont the Sheepadoodle stretched at our feet, I lay immersed in the quiet, attuned to the breathing that filled the room, a lullaby of presence.

I listened. I felt. I heard.

The words beckoned.

With the exquisite silence of dawn wrapped around me, following the tender gratitude in Brian’s sign-off and the lingering echo of Meredith’s poetry dedicated to Lady J, the words surged within me, spilling forth with fervent ease.

Thank you Lady M
by Louise Gallagher

Love found me
pieces scattered without
rhyme or reason
in the darkness
of knowing
the way home
was through
the pain
of having been
to Love.

May we all find the courage to surrender to the call of the creative flame within us. May it compel us to rise and fully experience this transient, stunning life in all its fleeting beauty and ephemeral joy flowing in the enduring nature of Love.

And may this April Poetry Month awaken you to the poetry of your life.


A Masterpiece of Time

Winter has returned for a visit this week. Temperatures that hovered several degrees over freezing for almost a week dove into Arctic temps over night. Back out came my long heavy down-filled coat, fur-lined boots and warmers for my mittens.

When you’re a human to a dog in northern climes, weather must be weathered, regardless of how cold the winds might blow.

This morning, as I walked along the river, immersed in a world of Mother Nature’s wintry artistry on display, my thoughts drifted back to a quote I included on the vision board I crafted at last night’s ReWrite Journey workshop. “I am going to make everything around me beautiful– and that shall be my life.”

The universe, it seems, is my silent accomplice, generously dusting the landscape with splendour and awe.

This morning, as Beaumont the Sheepadoodle and I meandered through the woods, I paused to marvel at the splendour of a world cloaked in winter’s magic, reminding me of another quote that appeared on my vision board last night. “Seek to see the magic in the moment.”  

Even with the mercury clinging with chilly determination to -18°C, with windchill, – 26C, magic shimmered all around me. Each breath I exhaled danced like white mist before me. And, even though the mistiness of my breath forced me to shed my sunglasses, which had steamed up above the scarf safeguarding my face against the biting cold, I couldn’t deny, the world looked even more beautiful when I saw it through clear-eyed wonder.

Beaumont bounded through the snow, sniffing and snuffling at the base of trees and fallen logs and with every step I took, my thoughts cascaded back to this morning’s meditation and its gentle reminder: “Acknowledge the beauty present in every moment.”

It was all there before me.

A symphony of light playing upon snow-draped branches, two Canada geese skimming the surface of the ice-covered river their wings swooshing in harmonious flight, a squirrel, embodying the spirit of the woods, bounding energetically across the earth before leaping up into a tree with one enthusiastic stretch of his body. And on the strip of river still joyfully flowing free of winter’s icy embrace, sunlight sparkling like the dancing fairies I used to spin stories about when my daughter’s were younger.

Enchanted magic, all of it

Eleanor Roosevelt once remarked, “Beautiful young people are merely accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art.”

In the exquisite and enduring splendour of nature, which has witnessed aeons more than any of us, I breathe deeply into the truth of her words.

Our human nature is to grow older. Mother Nature, in her perpetual cycle, is a masterpiece of time. As am I. As are you.

How to rewrite your stars.

In the quiet of each morning, I am greeted by the unwritten story of the day ahead—a narrative waiting to be crafted with intention and purpose. In these moments, I am reminded of the ReWrite Journey course I have the honour of guiding—a course designed to delve into the art of storytelling, our storytelling.

Every Monday evening, in the sanctuary of our virtual circle, seven women, a collective of seekers and storytellers, explore the contours of our Origin Stories. It is here that we acknowledge our agency, summon our strength, celebrate our courage, and distill the wisdom from life’s intricate journey. This is the groundwork of the course, The ReWrite Journey I’ve created, a journey of reflection and empowerment.

Every choice we make—every word, every action—becomes a sentence, a paragraph, a chapter in the ongoing story of our lives. As we begin to chart our paths forward, we set markers—goals and dreams that beckon us with the promise of fulfillment and transformation.

In the ReWrite Journey course, we don’t just look back; we also cast our gaze forward, rewriting our trajectory with markers that serve as beacons towards a future we dare to design. What kind of story do we aspire to live out? What are the empowered choices we will make to propel us towards our envisioned horizon?

As we write and create, we ask… What if, instead of drifting on the currents of habit, we took the helm with hyper-conscious awareness, navigating our existence with the recognition that we are here, now, fully capable of scripting the grand narrative of our lives? What if today, we chose to live out the greatest story ever told, our own, with every choice a stroke of the author’s pen?

What if?


Gratitude is the foundation of so much joy in my life. I am deeply grateful for the seven women who have joined me in this, the inaugral session of The ReWrite Journey: Your Past, Reimagined. Your Future, Reclaimed. The ReWrite Journey is a transformative eight-week odyssey that weaves the wisdom of the past into the tapestry of a future rich with possibility.

The ReWrite Journey offers a sanctuary for women of all walks of life who seek to embrace the vibrant threads of their experience and weave them into a future tapestry, vibrant with the hues of their wildest dreams and richest aspirations.

Claim Your Space: You’re Worth It.

John Steinbeck once remarked, “And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.” This quote might as well be describing my writing space. It’s not flawless, but for me, it’s excellent – actually, it’s fantastic.

I’ve always encountered obstacles in creating the perfect workspace. Full disclosure: I’m what you might call a ‘space consumer’. Much like how I utilize every inch of our 15-foot by 4.5-foot kitchen island while cooking, my studio sees every available flat surface in use during my creative endeavors.

For a while now, the idea of reorganizing my studio to dedicate a specific area for writing has been on my mind. Initially, the thought of restricting myself to a writing corner seemed too limiting. Plus, I worried that it was some kind of decadant to have two areas of our home ‘just for me and my writing’? – at least that’s what I kept convincing myself.

However, a persistent internal voice challenged this notion, suggesting that perhaps these thoughts were self-imposed limitations. Why not stretch my thinking beyond them?

Thus, on Friday morning, propelled by an inner urge to “Get out of bed and create a writing space in your studio,” I took action. No second-guessing.No hesitation. I got doing.

The task wasn’t minor, but it was gratifying. It also came with a reminder to myself: to cease the accumulation of art supplies and the hoarding of miscellaneous paper scraps ‘just in case’.

My ‘Writer’s Corner’

The decluttering and rearrangement yielded a transformed space. Now, I have two surfaces dedicated to my art and a cozy corner desk for writing.

This change has brought a sense of satisfaction, contentment, and inspiration. It was so invigorating that I spent the entire day yesterday writing!

Of course, my art supplies still demand an extensive reorganization, but that’s a task for another day. Currently, I’m reveling in the clarity and peace of having a designated space that, when I sit at my desk, silently encourages, “Now we write.”

My morning writing desk

I still adore my morning writing spot in front of the large window on our main level, offering views of our yard and the river. The sight of the river flowing past, and the distant views of traffic on the bridges invoke a sense of calm and wonder. It’s delightful.

Yet, there’s an undeniable charm in a snug, personal space that beckons my curiosity and kick-starts my creativity. Here, I can spread out my papers and let my thoughts flow freely – a luxury not afforded by the great room’s writing area in our home, where sticking notes on walls or scattering pages on the floor isn’t feasible.

Now, I can do just that.

Claiming your creative space is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity for nurturing your creativity. Whether it’s a small corner, a whole room, or just a dedicated nook, creating your own sanctuary for creativity is a right we all deserve. It’s about making a space that resonates with you, where your ideas can flow freely and where your artistic soul feels at home.

What about you? Do you have a special spot – a corner, alcove, room, or attic – where your creativity thrives? What’s holding you back from creating it?