Creative Essence Unleashed – set your creative spirit free

I cannot remember a time when I did not write. As a child, I created stories, wrote in my diary, and had pen pals all over the world.

In Grade 8, I wrote a story I was really proud of: a tale of two spies—a strong, decisive woman and a brawny man—on a mission to save the world. They succeeded but met a tragic end when their car exploded as they were about to celebrate. My teacher praised the story but insisted I couldn’t kill off the heroes. “Why not?” I asked. “They’re my creation.” She explained the need to cater to the audience’s desire for happy endings.

Since then, I’ve struggled to write without tying my stories up in pretty bows, to let go of the need to write cautiously and neatly.

This is why I created my 6-week course, Creative Essence Unleashed: An Artful Journey. For the past four years, I’ve written poetry with a group of women, freeing myself from the “Box of Tidy” and writing from a place of deep, raw wisdom. Combined with the freedom of art-journalling, I have unlocked the blocks that kept me tied up in writing

I LOVE it and want to share this freedom and joy with others. Creative Essence Unleashed: An Artful Journey launches on May 22 at a special introductory price.

Join me in this beautiful, intimate space to explore, unravel, design, create, and become. This course combines simple art-journalling techniques to create a holistic environment where ‘anything goes’ and everything becomes. Embrace the freedom of art journaling and discover the limitless potential within you.

I’d be thrilled to have you on the journey with me!

I hope to see you there!