It’s Time to Rip Up the Rulebook (and Maybe Rewrite It Ourselves)

It’s time. Time to write our own ageless script. Time to defy the notion we need to tone ourselves down as we grow older.

I’m not just defying aging —I’m giving it a playful wink and a knowing smile. Forget those tired old notions about what a woman “should” be, do, or say. I’m taking that rulebook, scribbling all over it, and maybe even adding a few pretty doodles in the margins before I rip out the pages and write my own!

This ain’t no 60s liberation movement. We’re not just breaking through barriers; we’re dismantling them brick by brick and building something far more magnificent in their place. We’re not just finding our voices; we’re turning up the volume and letting them echo through the ages.

I’m diving into the world of AI, (like the image above which I generated using AI and a whole lot of descriptors and trials and errors – which btw, is a clear indication of how so many of the algorithms are written by men! Try getting it to create a woman without big breasts and loads of cleavage!) embracing its potential like a fearless explorer. Sure, there are concerns, but I’m choosing curiosity over fear. Because a life lived in the shadows of ignorance? That’s not for me.

I’m talking boundless, liberated, authentic. I’m shedding those outdated expectations and stepping into my own power. I’m crafting my own rules, setting my own course, and living life on my terms.

So, are you with me? Are you ready to shake things up, challenge the norm, and create a life that’s uniquely, vibrantly yours?

Let’s tear up that old rulebook together, ladies. And then, let’s write a new one that celebrates our strength, our wisdom, and our unyielding spirit.

Let’s let our age grow wild and our spirits soar free!


Join me for my upcoming Masterclass Unleash Your Ageless Radiance – Juy 3, 5pm MT

The Awakening List

Have you heard of “Gratitude Lists”? Research confirms that focusing on gratitude increases happiness and joy. I write mine before falling asleep, believing I’ll carry gratitude into my dreams.

Recently, I found a letter my mother wrote to my sisters and me. It was her “good-bye” letter, expressing gratitude and apologizing for any harm she’d caused. “These will be my last words of love you read,” she wrote. “It is time for me to go.” She took her last breath 14 years later.

Life was hard for my mother. As she told me in a visit from the afterlife, “The burdens I carried were too heavy. I never felt free to be myself.” As a child, and beyond, I believed my job was to ‘take the knife out of my mother’s hand.” To be, the good girl, she wanted me to be. Subsequenly, I subconsciously believied I had to conform to others’ will to be liked. Yet, deep within, I knew this was a recipe for a life unlived. Through therapy, courses, journalling, meditation and a host of other self-empowerment supports, I embraced my own agency to live my life on my terms. Yet still, that image of my mother holding a knife to her breast persisted, as did my ping-pong efforts to ‘fit in to be liked’ and to ‘stand out on my own terms’.

Shortly after finding that letter, a dream awoke me to the true power of my freedom. I have long understood that I was never strong enough to take the knife out of my mother’s hand. What my dream awakened was the truth — I am powerful enough to take the metaphorical knife out of mine.

And that brings me to my “Awakening List.” Each morning, I expand my Gratitude List into five Awakenings. For example, this morning i wrote:

  • I awaken to the melody of songbirds. Life is sweet.
  • I awaken to seven hours of uninterrupted sleep. Life is full of lovely surprises.
  • I awaken to my breath filling my lungs. Each breath is a gift of Life and Love.
  • I awaken knowing my dreams have the power to unfold as I step into my own power. I am powerful beyond my wildest imaginings.
  • I awaken to this day with anticipation, excitement, and gratitude. My heart is a joyful place.

This practice opens my mind, heart, and body to the morning’s wonder and beauty, beginning my day with positivity. And, it reminds me of my capacity to be the Shero in my own life.

Do you have a special practice to open each day with wonder and beauty? Please share in the comments below. Let’s ripple out our inspiration to touch the lives of others!

August Woman – Awaken & Dream #ShePersisted

If there is one term people have used to describe me throughout my life, it is, “Free-spirited.”

My siblings used to tell me that meant I was ‘flighty’. My parents said it meant I needed to, “Stop dreaming and get my feet back on the ground.”

My response? “The Wright brothers didn’t keep their feet on the ground and look what they did!”

That was when my father would remind me of Icarus.

“Birds fly. Humans walk,” he said.

Sighing (to be fair, he might have called it ‘sulking’), I’d begrudgingly plant my feet firmly on the ground and tuck away my dreams in the furthest reaches of my heart. Head down, shoulders slumped, I’d walk the road well-travelled.

But not for long.

I couldn’t resist the urge to fly. And so, we’d go through the cycle again and again until eventually, I grew weary of reaching for the stars and learned to accept ‘the truth’. – The stars are beautiful to look at but life is here on Mother Earth. Keep walking.

August’s Woman is a reminder that ‘the truth’ is not found in the mud at our feet. It lives in the air around us. It soars upon the wind. It flows in the seas and shimmers in the stars because, as August Woman reminds us, we are all born of stardust. We are all born to shine.

Every night, when the moon calls the stars to awaken and shine, it is also calling us to awaken and dream. It is calling us to shine so brightly even the darkest night of the soul cannot mute our brilliance because we know, deep within us, nothing can keep us from lighting up the world when we let the beauty of ‘our truth’ shine bright like the stars from which we are born.

August’s woman is a clarion call to stand in the brilliant light of the magnificence of our truth. She is calling us to cast our dreams with wild abandon upon the darkness so that the dark becomes light and the long and winding road becomes a starlit path guiding us home to our dreams come true amongst the stars here on Mother Earth.
